
本片(剧)又名凯尔特不列颠的历史,是一部英国制片作品的欧美综艺,于2011年上映,Neil Oliver,Philip Crummy,Barry Cunliffe等领衔主演。对白语言为英语。


答:凯尔特不列颠的历史欧美综艺全集完整版免费在线观看地址: http://pgvod.com/play/71521-1-4.html

  Neil Oliver returns to continue his epic story of how Britain and its people came to be, from the height of the Bronze Age through to the age of Iron, the Celts and the first kings to the age of Rome.  Part 1: Age of Iron  Part 2: Age of Warriors  Part 3: Age of Invasion  Part 4: Age of Romans


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